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About Our Company

Make Your Dream Come True & Grow With Us

Giriraj Milk Products Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated in 1999, The Company over the last many years has created a market leadership position for itself in branded milk segment. We are a significant part of requirement of liquid milk from dairy cooperatives and village level farmer centric organizations, and we are committed to supply safe and high quality milk and milk products to satisfy our customer requirements and thereby committed to provide maximum return to the member milk producers.

Milk has been used by humans since the beginning of recorded time to provide both fresh and storable nutritious foods.

We follow strict food handling guidelines and have a quality management system in place to ensure the best possible quality and handling of our products.


Happy Customers


Winning Awards


Industries Served


Dedicated Team

Our Core Values

We follow strict food handling guidelines and have a quality management system in place to ensure the best possible quality and handling of our products.

Our range is nutritious and healthy, devoid of cheap fillers and nasty additives (No Nasties!), ethically and carefully prepared. You may find our foods Not SHINE as others as we are not keen to use Wax or artificial coatings, Not infancy Shape or Size as others as we are not keen to adopt Genetic Modification, Not able to help for One’s requirement of off seasonal foods as we are not keen to go against natural & Climatic pattern.
Services and Experience

Why Choose Us

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Provides Health Benefits

Our nutrient products that are vital for health and maintenance of your body. These nutrients include calcium, potassium, vitamin D, and protein.

Quality Assurance

Milk sampling, Labeling and records. LAB TESTS: GERBER BUTTERFAT TEST Done for checking the fat level.

5+ Years Experience

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  • Promoting nutrition food
  • A leader in nutrition education
  • Quality products
  • A solution to optimal health

Competitive Price

Our pricing is based on market pricing for milk and dairy products is similar to many other ... Income protection. Pricing for milk and dairy products is similar to many other agricultural commodities.

On-time Delivery

We have a streamline to deliver our products timely manner.